Spiritual Guidance & Self Evolution


About Eva

Through the darkness to light

Since 2009 my life has been a deep, intense spiritual journey. It escalated in 2013 when my eldest son died. I had begun to open myself to the thought that life was not what I had believed it was. When Simon chose to leave this earth plane my doors opened fully to the previously unknown. A long and challenging grief process began where I also finally grieved Simon’s younger brother Felix, who died twenty years earlier.

I have moved through an uncountable number of layers in my mind. I heal my life traumas from this incarnation and from a couple of others. A natural result of this deep work of forgiveness and healing is that now I have very high inner frequencies. You will experience this if you meet me and it will contribute to your healing. Everything vibrates, we vibrate, our minds vibrate. If you are familiar with this, you understand what I talk about. If not, make yourself familiar with it! Therein lies the key to a rich and joyful life.


Do you want to be reached by my frequencies? Welcome! You can book a private session or join one of my online experiences (so far in Swedish, coming up in English). Saying yes to this will change you. New perspectives and opportunities will open up within you.

My mission is to serve in the evolution of the consciousness of humanity. It goes on at high speed, more and more people are waking up to the truth of what we actually are: spiritual beings who’s nature is happiness, love and limitless creativity. Since 2020 I channel Aniri, my spirit guides and teachers, and other higher consciousnesses. Since the summer of 2024 I also channel art. I view myself as a happy link between the divine and the human, in times of profound change.

In June 2023 I returned my 20 year old licence as a psychologist and now I work freely with channeling, healing, intuitive therapy and art.

For several years I have studied A Course In Miracles, a loving self-study course, a reprogramming of the mind, from fear to love, from chaos to peace.

I live in the countryside south of Linköping, Sweden. Being in stillness, silence and nature is necessary for my balance and alignment with the divine. My days are filled with joy and deep meaning.

About Aniri

When channeling, I go into a relaxed state of mind, and let the consciousness of whoever it is that I channel, to come thrugh me, to borrow my voice and speak their truth.

Aniri is a highly evolved group consciusness, coming together as one voice, through me. Their love for humanity and their high frequencies permeate every message from them. They are here for me as well as for you, for anyone who wants guidance in life. 

Aniri, introducing themselves

"Thank you for inviting us! We are a collective of highly evolved consciousnesses, living not in physical bodies but as energy beings in the Universe. We are many voices coming together as one, we form a huge orchestra uniting ourselves, so that you can understand us, before coming through this channel, Eva.

We, who are part of this group consciousness are all highly spiritually evolved. That means that we have been around for a very long time, in earthly terms, and that we have gone through a constant evolution towards the higher values that permeate the Universe, like love, joy, freedom, truth and peace. We have no darkness within ourselves that disturbs or hinders our loving thinking. We create in complete freedom and our highest assignment is to spread love, joy and hope to you, who are on Earth, through channels like Eva. Our task is to cherish the Earth and Humanity, that right now go through an exceptionally fast evolution of consciousness, towards these higher values. It doesn't look like that, you may think, when you see what goes on around you, in the world. But it is the surface that you see, it is the crisis that you see, and beneath that is a deep evolution taking place. It is like when a boil is about to heal. On the suface it's not nice. But in the deeper layers your ingenious immune system is doing it's cleansing and healing work.

We love to communicate and we are tremendously happy to be able to convey our messages through this channel, we look forward to reaching many of you through her voice. You could say that we borrow her. And she says yes, so we have a joint will in this. Your free will is holy to us. We would not be able to do this kind of thing if she hadn't said yes.

We thank you for taking your time to listen to us. You will see how our message resonates with you. You can take a moment to do that. Thank you!"

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